Kimchi Reader's Sentence Mining Guide

Introduction to Sentence Mining

Sentence Mining is a powerful feature within Kimchi Reader designed to enhance your knowledge acquisition. With it, you can effortlessly extract meaningful sentences from content and convert them into Anki flashcards.

The folks at Refold made a good explanation and a guide .

How to Sentence Mine

Finding the Sentence

Browse your content until you find a sentence with a word you're unfamiliar with. Click on the word you want to learn. On the popup dictionary of that word, click on the Mine icon.

Mine button highlighted
You can mine from any sentence - just click on the Mine Sentence button

Configure the card

When selecting a sentence to mine, a dialog appears for card configuration. If there's a single definition for the word, it's auto-selected. Otherwise, pick the right one for the context. In most case you would just pick the definition and move on.

Screenshot of the popup when configuring the card
A popup with all possibles configurations before mining the card
  1. A definition to select for the word highlighted in the sentence, this correspond to the Definition field.
  2. You can add more context to the sentence when possible and if that make sense for your context. The entire sentence will be inside the Sentence field, with html tags.
  3. Additionally, there's an option to include personal notes or mnemonics on the card, though it's optional. The field name is User note.
  4. When possible, a screenshot of the context will be taken (field Image) and the sentence is recorded (field Audio).
  5. Finally mine the sentence to create the card.

At this point the card only exist on Kimchi's side. You can see all cards you have created in /mining .

Install the Anki Addon

To synchronize your cards from Kimchi Reader to Anki, you'll need to install the Anki addon . This require to be on desktop.

What exactly will the addon do:

  • Syncs cards only from Kimchi Reader to Anki, not vice versa
  • Will never delete any cards in Anki.
  • Can create new cards or update existing ones, only when syncing.

Configure the Note Type

To sync your cards from Kimchi Reader to Anki, ensure you have a designated deck and note type. Setting up the deck is straightforward, but configuring the note type requires a few steps:

  1. In Anki, navigate to Tools > Manage Note Types (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+N).
  2. Select the concerned note type, click on Fields.
  3. Configure the following fields: Focus Word, Sentence, Definition, User Note, Audio, Image. You are free to name them the way you want.

While it's not mandatory to use all these fields, it's recommended. You can always choose not to display certain fields on your card later.

Screenshot of the anki field for a card type
The 6 ideal fields to have for a anki card

Configure the Card Type

  1. In Anki, navigate to Tools > Manage Note Types (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+N).
  2. Select the concerned note type, click on Cards.

One particular thing you might want to do here is to add a styling to get the correct colors on the card. The following code will mark the focus word c-orange in orange and c-disabled in grey. Of course, you are free to change the colors to your liking.

[c-orange] { color: orange }
[c-disabled] { color: grey }

Configure the Anki addon

  1. Open Anki and go to Tools > Kimchi Reader.
  2. Connect to your account for the initial setup.
  3. Click on the Settings button:
    • Choose the deck for the cards.
    • Select the note type.
    • Map the information to the appropriate fields.
Screenshot of the settings in Kimchi's anki addon
How it looks when properly configured

After that, you are ready. Just hit Sync and watch the magic happens.