
Short Guide to Kimchi Reader

Welcome to Kimchi Reader! This short guide will help you get started and give you a feel for what your daily routine could look like. Remember, you don't have to do everything at once—feel free to go at your own pace!

️ Setting Up

Kimchi Reader can be a powerful tool for your language learning journey, but getting started might feel a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry! You only need to know Hangul to begin, and you can choose what to do based on how you prefer to learn.

Import Your Vocabulary (Optional but Helpful)

If you already have some vocabulary you want to track, importing it into Kimchi Reader can be beneficial. Why? Here are a few reasons:

  • Track Your Progress: Get cool stats over time to see how much you've learned.
  • Smart Content Recommendations: Once you know 100 words, the recommendation system can suggest content that matches your level.

You can import from various sources like Anki, LingQ, Migaku or even any kind of text you may have. The importer is quite flexible. You may also consider visiting the frequency list.

Please note that importing vocabulary is entirely optional. It is totally fine to start from zero and change word statuses over time as you consume content.

Start Immersing

The whole point of Kimchi Reader is to get you tons of comprehensible input, which is key to learning a language. Here are the main ways to start immersing:

Watching Workflow

If you lean more towards watching content, find content on YouTube, Netflix, or Viki. Use the web extension on PC for maximum flexibility. Check out the recommendation system later to know what to watch next.

Reading Workflow

If you prefer reading, try importing a book or find stories to read. One easy way to start right now is to explore the 두루책방 library. It contains a variety of extremely short stories of various difficulties.

두루책방.com   viewed   in   Kimchi   Reader
두루책방.com viewed in Kimchi Reader

Sentence Mining + Anki (Optional but Powerful)

For those who want to accelerate vocabulary growth, Sentence Mining is about extracting useful sentences from the content you consume. And then later on re-study those captured sentences in Anki. Kimchi Reader make this process easy and fast.

Sentence   Mining   on   a   Didi   video
Sentence Mining on a Didi video

Content Recommendations

Unlocked once you reach 100 known words, the recommendation system will suggest content that matches your level.

View   of   the   recommendations   system
View of the recommendations system


Is it viable to learn Korean without Anki and/or Sentence Mining?

Absolutely! Anki and Sentence Mining are optional tools that can help some people to learn faster but they might not be for everyone.

What's the best way to use Kimchi Reader?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. If you enjoy reading, import books or stories. If you prefer watching, use the web extension for YouTube, Netflix, or Viki. Experiment and see what works best for you, volume and consistency are key.

Psst! People love talking about their routines on the Discord server . Feel free to ask for advice there.

How soon should I start sentence mining?

You don’t need to do it right away. Focus on enjoying your immersion first. When you feel ready to ramp up your vocabulary learning, start mining sentences.

Can I use Kimchi Reader on mobile?

Yes! The works on any device with a decently modern browser. You can import short stories and read or listen to them on the go. See how you can make the setup more mobile-friendly.