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Accelerate your vocabulary growth with Sentence Mining

What is Sentence Mining?
Sentence Mining is the process of finding sentences in native material and adding them to your flashcard deck. The folks at Refold made a good explanation and a guide
Why Sentence Mine?
Sentence Mining is one of the most efficient ways to learning vocabulary. It is also extremely fun as you are consuming the content you enjoy.
Sentence mining example
Sync with Anki
Kimchi's sentence mining feature integrates seamlessly with Anki , a popular flashcard app. With the Kimchi Anki add-on , you can easily sync your mined sentences to your flashcard deck.
Anki addon
One click sync
Once configured, that's all the effort you need to sync. The anki addon is only available on desktop but you can then study on mobile using anki mobile once sync.
Because the content you mined is imported in Anki, you gain full control over your flashcard. You can chose what to display and how to customize the look.
Premade model available
Kimchi's anki addon optionally provide a basic model for you to start with. It is basic and lightweight on purpose so that you can customize it to your liking.
One way sync
Kimchi Anki sync is one way. This ensure that no matter what, the addon will only add or update cards but never delete.
Compatibility Tables
Local Media
Local Media
Audio capture
Image capture
There are some workaround for getting immersion on mobile such as using a mobile browser that accept web extension (Kiwi on android) but it's not as seamless as on desktop and it is not officially supported.