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Meet the most Powerful Korean Popup Dictionary

Given example sentence:
비행기표를 예악했어요? 사람이 많아서 미리 예약해야 돼요.
Learn Faster with Kimchi Reader's Popup Dictionary
Integrated Grammar
Gain a deeper understanding of grammar with word decomposition and surrounding grammar features.
漢字, 한자, Hanja
Easily check the origins of words directly within the popup. For example:
한수, 한나라
the Chinese people, Chinese language
letter, character, word
Monolingual support
For advanced learners, enhance your Korean skills with the monolingual dictionary, providing definitions and explanations in Korean.
Fast and Responsive
Experience seamless learning with a popup dictionary that opens instantly, without any delay.
See it in action right now !
Unknown words are underlined in red, Seen in yellow and Known in green. When a word has multiple possible definitions and mixed states it is again underlined as Seen . Known words are only shown when you press Shift on desktop.
농부는 아직 결혼하지 않고 혼자 살았다.
Click on a word to see the tooltip
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