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Connects multiple nouns, indicating a list or group without specifying order.
  • 하고 잡지를 샀어요.
    I bought books and magazines.
  • 담배하고 술을 끊었어요.
    I quit smoking and drinking.


together, with
Indicates that an action involves more than one party or that something is done together with someone or something else.
  • 어제 회사 동료하고 저녁을 먹었어요.
    I had dinner with my colleague yesterday.
  • 사람이 싫은 아니고 그냥 하고 성격이 맞는 같아요.
    It's not that I don't like that person, but I think our personalities don't match well.

N+와/과 vs N+랑/이랑 vs N+하고

  • Preferred in writing, presentations and speeches.
  • Preferred in everyday conversations.
  • Preferred in everyday conversations.

All three grammar points are both used to list things and correspond to "together with" in English.

Note for when used for listing thing:

  • Although N+하고 and N+랑/이랑 can be added to the final noun in a list, N+와/과 cannot.
  • Although they can be used interchangeably to list things, they cannot be mixed in the same sentence.

All the grammatical content on this page, excluding the computer-generated audio, is licensed under the permissive
CC BY 4.0
license. Contributions, corrections, and feedback are all highly welcomed.
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