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Define a person or a living creature as the recipient or target of an action.
  • 친구한테 선물을 보냈어요.
    I sent a gift to my friend.
  • 돈을 누구한테 주었어요?
    To whom did you give that money?
  • 뭐라고? 꼬맹이 ! 지금 한테 소리야?
    What did you say? Hey, you little brat! Are you talking to me right now?
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The particle N+한테 is used with specific verbs such as 전화하다, 묻다, 보내다, 부치다, 가르치다, 팔다, 말하다, 주다, 선물하다, 던지다, 쓰다, 가다 and 오다.

The particle 한테 can only be used if the person receiving the action has a status lower than or equal to ours.

When the target is not a good fit for 한테 (such as plants, things and places), the N+에 particle can be used instead.

N+에게 vs N+한테 vs N+께

에게 (Target)

Is the formal form.

한테 (Target)

Is the informal form.

께 (Target)

Is the honorific form.

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license. Contributions, corrections, and feedback are all highly welcomed.
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