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는 김에

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While At It

while at it, since you're already doing it, on the occasion
Expresses doing another action while doing something else, taking advantage of the situation.
  • 시장에 김에 새로운 옷을 구경했어요.
    Since I was going to the market anyway, I also browsed some new clothes.
  • 모델 촬영을 준비하 김에 메이크업도 연습했어요.
    While preparing for the modeling shoot, I also practiced my makeup.
  • 서울에 김에 전시회에 들렀어요.
    Since I came to Seoul anyway, I stopped by an exhibition.
  • 청소하 김에 오래된 책도 정리했어요.
    While I was cleaning, I also sorted out some old books.
  • 학교에 김에 도서관에서 책을 빌렸어요.
    Since I was going to school anyway, I borrowed some books from the library.
  • 해변에 김에 사진을 많이 찍었어요.
    Since I went to the beach anyway, I took a lot of photos.
  • 자동차를 김에 내부 청소도 했어요.
    Since I was washing the car anyway, I also cleaned the interior.
  • 시험 공부하 김에 노트도 정리했어요.
    Since I was studying for the exam anyway, I also organized my notes.
  • 게임하 김에 새로운 캐릭터를 만들어 봤어요.
    Since I was already playing games, I tried creating a new character.
  • 여행 준비하 김에 비행기 표도 확인했어요.
    Since I was preparing for the trip anyway, I also checked the flight tickets.

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