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오래된 시골 마을에 착한 농부가 살고 있었다. 그는 아직 결혼하지 않은 채 혼자 생활하고 있었다.
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Although But

although, though, but, even though
Expressing contrast or an unexpected outcome.
  • 음식은 건강에 으나 맛이 조금 밍밍해요.
    This food is healthy, but it's a bit bland.
  • 새로운 게임은 흥미롭으나 버그가 많아서 플레이하기 어렵네요.
    The new game is interesting, but it has so many bugs that it’s hard to play.
  • 옷은 세련되 가격이 너무 비싸요.
    This outfit is stylish, but it’s too expensive.
  • 박사님은 매우 뛰어나시 가끔 기본적인 예의를 잊어요.
    The doctor is a genius, but sometimes forgets basic manners.
  • 코드를 간결하게 으나 여전히 에러가 발생해요.
    I wrote the code concisely, but errors still occur.
  • 숙제를 열심히 으나 선생님께 칭찬받지 못했어요.
    I worked hard on my homework, but I didn’t receive any praise from the teacher.
  • 전시된 작품은 다양하 생각보다 관람객이 적었어요.
    There were a variety of works on display, but there were fewer visitors than I expected.
  • 매일 운동하 체중이 줄지 않네요.
    I exercise every day, but my weight isn’t going down.
  • 김치는 전통적이 너무 매워서 먹기 힘들어요.
    This kimchi is traditional, but it’s too spicy to eat.
  • 정치인은 유명하 실질적인 변화를 이끌지 못해요.
    The politician is famous, but fails to bring about real change.

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license. Contributions, corrections, and feedback are all highly welcomed.
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