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오래된 시골 마을에 착한 농부가 살고 있었다. 그는 아직 결혼하지 않은 채 혼자 생활하고 있었다.
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V+아/어 놓다



to keep it as it is
Indicates the continuation of a state after an action is being done or just maintaining a certain state.
  • 음식 냄새가 많이 나서 창문을 열어 놨어요.
    The smell of food was strong, so I opened the window.
  • 밖이 갑자기 어두워지고 저는 겁이 나서 커튼을 닫아 놓았어요.
    It suddenly got dark outside, and I was scared, so I closed the curtain.
  • 열쇠를 서랍에 넣어놓았어.
    I put the key in the drawer.


Both versions [아/어]놓다 and 아/어 놓다 (with space) exist and can be used interchangeably.

Shortened form

아/어 놓다 can be shortened to .

  • 공연을 예악해 놔서 일찍 가지 않아도 돼요.
    You don't have to go early because I've booked the show.

V+아/어 두다 vs V+아/어 놓다

In many case both are the same and can be used interchangeably. However, there are some cases where one is more appropriate than the other. V+아/어 두다 is more often used to indicate a long period of time, therefore it is often used with things related to storage.

All the grammatical content on this page, excluding the computer-generated audio, is licensed under the permissive
CC BY 4.0
license. Contributions, corrections, and feedback are all highly welcomed.
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