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오래된 시골 마을에 착한 농부가 살고 있었다. 그는 아직 결혼하지 않은 채 혼자 생활하고 있었다.
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As much as

When added to the end of a noun, it describes something done as much as the noun.
  • 우리 집은 공원만큼 조용해요.
    Our house is as quiet as a park.
  • 유령을 만큼 무서워요.
    It's as scary as seeing a ghost.

Usage with nouns modifiers

There is a common pattern that make use of V+는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ and N+만큼 to describe the extent or degree of that verb.

ㄴ/은/는 만큼 (Present and past)

Expresses the extent to which something is done, or a condition exists

  • 공부하 만큼 성적이 올라간다.
    Your grades go up as much as you study.

ㄹ/을 만큼 (Future)

Used to express a future action's extent or degree.

  • 만큼 가져가세요.
    Take as much as you will eat.


Native speakers don't always follow proper spacing rules and may sometimes leave out the space between the particle V+는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ and N+만큼.

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