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(으)ㄹ까 말까


Considering Whether to Do or Not

should I,.. or not, whether to,.. or not
Express hesitation or indecision about doing something.
  • 오늘 학교에 갈까 말까 생각 중이에요.
    I'm thinking about whether to go to school today or not.
  • 배가 고파서 점심을 을까 말까 해요.
    I'm wondering whether to eat lunch since I'm not hungry.
  • 나는 차를 말까 장난스럽게 생각하고 있어요.
    I'm playfully considering whether to buy a car or not.
  • 새로운 취미를 시작할까 말까 고민하고 있어요.
    I'm debating whether to start a new hobby or not.
  • 친구에게 전화할 말까 망설이고 있어요.
    I'm hesitating about whether to call my friend or not.

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