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오래된 시골 마을에 착한 농부가 살고 있었다. 그는 아직 결혼하지 않은 채 혼자 생활하고 있었다.
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Fall Into

completely immersed, deeply absorbed
Indicate becoming completely absorbed or immersed in the action or state.
  • 그림이 너무 아름다워서 바라 빠져버렸어요.
    The painting was so beautiful that I became completely absorbed in looking at it.
  • 소설이 너무 흥미로워서 밤새 빠졌어요.
    The novel was so fascinating that I stayed up all night, completely absorbed in reading it.
  • 그는 최근 도예를 빠져서 하루 종일 흙을 다루고 있어요.
    He’s recently become so immersed in pottery that he spends the entire day working with clay.
  • 게임을 빠져 시간 가는 몰랐어요.
    I got so absorbed in playing the game that I completely lost track of time.
  • 그녀는 요가를 연습 빠져서 매일 열심히 운동하고 있어요.
    She’s so deeply involved in practicing yoga that she works out diligently every day.
  • 그녀는 메이크업 튜토리얼을 빠져서 매일 새로운 화장법을 시도해요.
    She’s become so absorbed in makeup tutorials that she tries a new style every day.
  • 로맨스 소설을 빠져서 휴대폰을 시간도 없어요.
    She’s so engrossed in reading romance novels that she doesn’t even have time to check her phone.
  • 유럽 디저트 레시피를 만들 빠져보니 이제 매주 새로운 케이크를 구워요.
    After becoming completely absorbed in making European dessert recipes, she now bakes a new cake every week.
  • 그녀는 방탄소년단 영상을 빠져 하루 종일 유튜브를 시청하고 있어요.
    She’s so into watching BTS videos that she spends the whole day on YouTube.
  • 새로운 스킨케어 제품 정보를 빠져 밤늦게까지 인터넷을 뒤지고 있어요.
    Having gotten completely immersed in looking up new skincare products, she stays up late browsing the internet.
  • 최신 패션 트렌드를 연구 빠져 옷장 정리에 많은 시간을 쓰고 있어요.
    She’s become so absorbed in studying the latest fashion trends that she spends a lot of time reorganizing her wardrobe.
  • 인테리어 블로그를 보고 빠져 분위기를 완전히 바꾸고 싶어 해요.
    After getting deeply absorbed in interior design blogs, she wants to completely change her home’s atmosphere.
  • 한복 디자인에 관심을 갖고 자료를 빠져 전통문화를 깊이 이해하게 되었어요.
    Becoming interested in hanbok design and getting absorbed in researching it, she gained a deeper understanding of traditional culture.

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