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(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다


Equivalent To

It is as though, it is equivalent to
Expresses that something is practically the same as something else.
  • 이번 촬영은 셈이에요.
    It is as though I did well on this shoot.
  • 그동안 열심히 준비했으니 거의 합격 셈이죠.
    Since I prepared hard, it is as though I passed the audition.
  • 정도면 절반은 성공 셈이에요.
    At this level, it is practically half a success in the industry.
  • 모델들이 많아 보여도 사실상 셈이에요.
    Even though it looks like there are many models, it is as though there are none.
  • 오늘 학교에서 발표를 성공적으로 셈이었어요.
    It was as though we successfully finished the presentation at school today.
  • 친구들과 파리 여행을 셈이었어요.
    It was practically as though we enjoyed the trip to Paris with friends.
  • 우리가 박물관에서 것은 역사를 체험 셈이에요.
    What we saw at the museum was practically experiencing history.
  • 과제는 거의 셈일 거예요.
    This assignment is practically done.
  • 이번 시험 결과를 보면 다음 학기에 합격 셈일지도 몰라요.
    Judging by this test result, it might be as though I passed for next semester.

Calculated As

Can be calculated as, can be interpreted as
Indicates that something can be counted, interpreted, or calculated as another thing.
  • 식당의 가격을 생각하면 정말 셈이에요.
    Considering the prices of this restaurant, it is really cheap.
  • 일을 10 동안 했으니 이제 전문가 셈이에요.
    Having done this work for 10 years, I am practically an expert.
  • 하루에 5시간씩 공부하면 달에 150시간을 공부 셈이에요.
    If you study 5 hours a day, that amounts to studying 150 hours a month.
  • 일주일에 다섯 밖에서 식사하면 거의 매일 외식하 셈이에요.
    If you eat out five times a week, it's practically as though you eat out every day.

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